Monday, 19 April 2010

Monday - veggi dinner - simples!

Feeling impossibly tired (as you do on a Monday morning) there was nothing I wanted more today than to sit on my butt and watch trash on telly when I got home.
But then I realised I have kids - this is an impossible dream!
Normally I plan our evening meals with military precision but there was no such joy this evening and I had about 15 minutes to start putting something together before cries of hunger started to come at me.
Eventually I knocked up a pretty darn good tagine using a mixture of fresh vegetables and leftovers. Savoury, sweet and sticky it was the ideal antidote to the Monday blues, also, because it was very low fat and high on the veg counter it made me feel less guilty about having homemade biscuits, ice cream and rhubarb compote for dessert.

Roasted vegetable tagine
3 leftover roast potatoes
2 leftover parsnips (about 6 bits)
1 yellow pepper
1 red onion
1 bulb of fennel
1tsp each of garlic powder, cumin powder and coriander powder
2 tbsps raisins
200ml passata
1/2 tsp salt
1 tin chickpeas

Doing it:
1. Chop the potatoes, parsnips, pepper, onion and fennel into big chunks and place in a roasting tin.
2. Add 2tbsp olive oil to the roasting tin and throw in the cumin and coriander powders. Roast for 30 minutes at 220c.
3. Mix together the garlic powder, salt, passata, chickpeas and raisins in a medium saucepan. Simmer for 15 minutes.
4. Add the roasted vegetables to the chickpea sauce and serve with couscous or rice.
Serves 4-6

Yummy vanilla biscuits
100g butter or margarine
100g plain flour
75g icing sugar
1tsp vanilla extract

Doing it:
1. Grease a baking tray and set the oven to 200c.
2. Mix all of the ingredients together quickly (a food processor is good for this).
3. Roll the mixture out on a floured surface to about 1cm thick and use a small cookie cutter about 5cm in diameter to cut out circles.
4. Place the biscuits on the baking tray and bake until golden (about 10 minutes).

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